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Example of the new API

using Makie, GeoMakie # add your preferred backend here

GeoAxis is a Block object, just like Axis or Axis3, with the same semantics.

You can insert it into a figure in the same way, or specify it when plotting as plot(...; axis = (; type = GeoAxis, geoaxis_kwargs...)).

fig = Figure()
ga = GeoAxis(fig[1, 1]; dest = "+proj=ortho +lon_0=19 +lat_0=50")
lines!(ga, GeoMakie.coastlines())

This is an orthographic projection, note how it shows the pole as well!

surface!(ga, -180..180, -90..90, rand(100, 100); shading = NoShading)

You can plot any Makie plot type into the GeoAxis - there is no difference between it and any other axis-like object in Makie. Beware that some plot types will create points which cannot support transformations, though!

If you encounter this kind of issue, please file a GitHub issue at the GeoMakie.jl repo!

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