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using Makie, GeoMakie, CairoMakie

lons = -180:180
lats = -90:90

Create some field of values across lons and lats.

This grid can be of any density, but note that the time it takes to plot scales with the grid size!

field = [exp(cosd(l)) + 3(y/90) for l in lons, y in lats]
361×181 Matrix{Float64}:
 -2.63212  -2.59879  -2.56545  …  3.26788  3.30121  3.33455  3.36788
 -2.63206  -2.59873  -2.5654      3.26794  3.30127  3.3346   3.36794
 -2.6319   -2.59856  -2.56523     3.2681   3.30144  3.33477  3.3681
 -2.63162  -2.59828  -2.56495     3.26838  3.30172  3.33505  3.36838
 -2.63122  -2.59789  -2.56456     3.26878  3.30211  3.33544  3.36878
 -2.63072  -2.59738  -2.56405  …  3.26928  3.30262  3.33595  3.36928
 -2.6301   -2.59677  -2.56343     3.2699   3.30323  3.33657  3.3699
 -2.62937  -2.59603  -2.5627      3.27063  3.30397  3.3373   3.37063
 -2.62852  -2.59519  -2.56186     3.27148  3.30481  3.33814  3.37148
 -2.62756  -2.59423  -2.5609      3.27244  3.30577  3.3391   3.37244
  ⋮                            ⋱                             ⋮
 -2.62852  -2.59519  -2.56186     3.27148  3.30481  3.33814  3.37148
 -2.62937  -2.59603  -2.5627      3.27063  3.30397  3.3373   3.37063
 -2.6301   -2.59677  -2.56343     3.2699   3.30323  3.33657  3.3699
 -2.63072  -2.59738  -2.56405  …  3.26928  3.30262  3.33595  3.36928
 -2.63122  -2.59789  -2.56456     3.26878  3.30211  3.33544  3.36878
 -2.63162  -2.59828  -2.56495     3.26838  3.30172  3.33505  3.36838
 -2.6319   -2.59856  -2.56523     3.2681   3.30144  3.33477  3.3681
 -2.63206  -2.59873  -2.5654      3.26794  3.30127  3.3346   3.36794
 -2.63212  -2.59879  -2.56545  …  3.26788  3.30121  3.33455  3.36788

Makie provides two main recipes for contours = contour for lines, and contourf for fills. In this example, we'll see examples of both.

fig = Figure(size = (1000, 750), Contour = (; labelsize = 14, labelfont = :bold), Text = (; strokecolor = :gray, strokewidth = .3))
ax1 = GeoAxis(fig[1,1]; title = "Plain contour")
contour!(ax1, lons, lats, field)

Makie also offers filled contours via the contourf recipe:

ax2 = GeoAxis(fig[1,2]; title = "Filled contour")
contourf!(ax2, lons, lats, field)

The contour recipe also offers labels, which we can activate via keyword:

ax3 = GeoAxis(fig[2,1]; title = "Contour with labels")
contour!(ax3, lons, lats, field; labels = true)

Finally, we can get a filled contour plot with labels by connecting the two:

ax4 = GeoAxis(fig[2,2]; title = "Filled contour with labels")
cfp = contourf!(ax4, lons, lats, field)
clp = contour!(
    ax4, lons, lats, field;
    color = :black, labels = true,
    levels = cfp._computed_levels

In order to control the levels, we need only set the levels for the first filled contour plot:

cfp.levels[] = -2:5

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