This page is a gallery of various examples.
Basic examples of GeoMakie
Plotting geometries from a DataFrame
Raster and vector data together on a plot
Plotting histograms of points on a GeoAxis
Contour plots with fills and labels
Plotting raster (gridded) data on GeoAxis
Messing around with the GeoAxis
Scatter plot of population per city
A graph on the USA with GraphMakie
Plotting on the orthographic (irregular) projection
A map of lakes and states in Germany
The meshimage recipe
Visualizing distortions caused by projections
Spherical pixelizations from Healpix.jl
An annotated plot with license info.
Gridded arrows
The effect of Hurricane Katrina, via GeometryOps.jl.
A streamplot on gridded data.
A map of Antioquia