Axis configuration


This was written for the old API and doesn't work for the new one!

using Makie, CairoMakie, GeoMakie

fig = Figure(size = (500,1000))
# GeoAxis defaults to DataAspect()
# Set source projection and destination projection
# source can be overwritten per plot
ax1 = GeoAxis(fig[1, 1]; source="+proj=latlong", dest="+proj=ortho")
xlims!(ax1, -90, 90) # xlims!, ylims! and limits! are supported

But supports any other Makie aspect ratio

ax2 = GeoAxis(fig[2, 1]; aspect=AxisAspect(1.3), xgridstyle=:dashdot, xgridcolor = :blue,
              ygridcolor=(:orange, 0.5), ygridwidth=5.0)

axis 3 - customizing ticks

ax2 = GeoAxis(fig[3, 1]; xticks = -180:2:180)

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